The quality of your advertisements can make or break your ad campaigns (and your budget). In fact, perfect placements of a poor advertisement will never generate the ROI you seek. Whether you’re new to digital advertising or are a seasoned vet looking to elevate your current campaigns, keep scrolling to gain expert advice on creating effective ads.

How to Optimize Ad Text

Effective ad text is a blend of compelling, relevant, specific and simple. With the right language, ads quickly capture attention and convince people to take action on the ad right in the moment. Consider the following when you’re crafting your ad text:

  • Develop attractive headlines. Deliver a clear and concise message to draw the audience in.
  • Use your avatar’s language. Consider demographics like age and gender to speak to your audience in the same way that they speak.
  • Address them directly. Words like “you” and “your” are a powerful way to convey a direct message.
  • Keep it short and sharp. Say more with less to be loud and clear to your audience.
  • Emphasize value. Share the benefits of your unique selling proposition to encourage action.

Nail the Call to Action

Effective CTAs are eye-catching entry points that entice the audience to click. A great CTA is ultra concise and clear, while delivering excitement. A brief action-oriented, persuasive phrase leads to high click-through-rates. Here are some examples of effective CTAs that can be used as inspiration for your advertisements.

Tips for Effective Images

An ad image’s job is to make the audience choose to stop and stare. Attractive images capture attention, giving your ad text and CTA a chance to share your message. In some cases, the image alone is compelling enough to encourage action. Use the following tips to audit your imagery:

  • Represent your target audience. Images should align with your avatar’s demographics, like interests, occupation and age.
  • Say more with less. Keep it simple by focusing on one attractive image.
  • Be intentional with color. The color scheme conveys tone and emotion.
  • Use functional white space. This is a fantastic way to avoid clutter.
  • Consider animation. New-age ads use animation to make a memorable impression.

Best Practices for Video Advertisements

Video began its rise as early as 2015 and took over in 2017. Its impact only continues to grow. In 2019, 80% of all internet traffic will be video. With billions of dollars being invested in video ads, here’s what you need to know to ensure your investment pays off:

  • The first few seconds are crucial. The average user attention span has dropped from 12 to only eight seconds over the past few years. Hook the audience fast.
  • Place the most important information at the front. You have limited time to convey your message. The most exciting and enticing beats of your video should be up front.
  • Speak to your audience. Similar to ad imagery and text, use audience demographics to ensure the video speaks directly to your target market.
  • Include logos and brand mentions. A massive benefit of video is the opportunity to spread brand awareness. Studies show large, clear logos reinforce familiarity
  • Invest in outstream video. These stand-alone video ads enhance the user experience and early data shows they’re effective.

Final Word on Creating Effective Ads

Just as digital advertising and user behavior continues to evolve, so should your ads. Simple, persuasive and memorable advertisements have the ability to generate tremendous ROI. Keep them fresh and effective by using A/B testing to make data-driven decisions that will elevate your results. As a premium ad network, our experts are happy to help you start designing effective advertisements.

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